Using Kuta Works

Create and manage your math courses online. Post assignments directly from our desktop software, from your bank of previously given assignments, or from Kuta Software's bank of standard assignments.

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Create a new course.

Each course lasts for one or two semesters.

Post as many assignments to each course as you would like. Create a course that starts in the future and get ahead of the game.

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Give course key to students.

Each course has a unique key.

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Students sign up and request to join your course.

Accept students into your course using seats purchased from Kuta Software.

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Design an assignment in our desktop software.

Use any of our desktop products to design the perfect worksheet.

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Choose the options for the assignment.

  1. Students get the same questions
    • Scramble questions
    • Scramble choices
  2. Students get different questions
  3. Give additional questions to students who need it
  4. Delay showing the choices to encourage directly solving each question
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Post the assignment.

Pick which courses to post the assignment to along with a start date and due date. Or just add it to your assignment bank and use it later.

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Students complete assignment.

Students can flag difficult questions for review later in class.

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Results are automatically graded.

See the number of questions each student got right, how long each student spent on the assignment, which questions posed the most difficulty, and what questions were flagged by students the most.